Olympus’ Command ↓ Release the Kraken! Tyrants’ New Planned Targets
‘When the tyrant has disposed of foreign enemies by conquest or treaty, and there is nothing more to fear from them, then he is always stirring up some war or other, in order that the people may require a leader.’ – Plato
Like the story “Clash of the Titans,” where the Queen of Joppa faces the option of her daughter sacrificed to the Kraken or Joppa’s destruction, the US leader was faced with two choices: stick to the deal of leaving Afghanistan sacrificing the Afghan people to the Taliban OR with your “Mount Olympus” powers fight to defend the people.
Yet, unlike the story it seems the people and land have both been sacrificed to Kabul’s “Kraken” without a fight. Decision to leave was agreed by most was a long time coming. It is the execution that failed.
To be fair, Afghans reportedly had fair warning of the May 1st 2021 deadline. Yes, but they were also assured their Afghan fighters were sufficiently trained to defend them. Image of their president easily boarding plane to escape in a matter of seconds added insult to old and new injuries.
Yet, the image of countless men, women and children running behind the US Air Force plane cannot be erased from the minds of all us around the world, especially those who call Afghanistan their country.
US Former Defense Secretary Mark Esper noted US troop withdrawal date should have been extended. Mass number of people who were fortunate to escape would agree.
Mark, it was nice seeing you again in the public forum. Appreciate your comments on the current situation. Yes, leadership is key. We miss yours.
President Biden, Sir, with all due respect, you are mistaken. Afghan men and women have the will to fight. But it is those with the “will to power” who are the Übermensch in their land.
Let’s be clear. At the end of day, the West will be out but leave Afghan people “holding the bag.” But the problem was not only the execution of the withdrawal but deluded Western expectations of Afghanistan soldiers and failed attempts of converting “the other.”
On what do I base my assessments? My skills and experience in intelligence and human behavior. But let me share the thoughts of a man who knows first-hand of what I speak. British author Frederick Forsyth is quite familiar with the subject. I suggest you read his 1974 book, “The Dogs of War”:
“The World as we know it goes into a kind of mad dissolve, and beyond it we see a chillingly ordered antiworld of conspiracy, greed, and ferocity. From first inkling to final (and shockingly surprising) climax, there is hot havoc indeed when these dogs of war are let slip.”
Western forces, you failed to realize that your “converts” translations and what you saw as “interpretations” were simultaneously being translated as facts on the ground for the adversary, in real time! Brings me to the Nature of Intelligence and Brutality.
As I note in my November 1, 2019 paper, Risk of being Open and Transparent with Old and New Enemies, the nature of intelligence is to deal with instability. The nature of brutality is to deal with uncertainty. American intelligence agencies deal with uncertainty with brutality as their use of interrogation tactics on terrorists suspects demonstrate.
US Central Intelligence Operatives, shameful of their failures in the Middle East, have been unable to accept the fact that no amount of training will transform the minds of those who do not trust you. Yet, Hollywood films understand Eastern fighters’ centuries’ old resolve. “These men would rather die than be enslaved.” Richard Crenna Green Beret character in Rambo III
Green Berets were known for their strength, strategic expertise, and language skills. But these special breed of men have been supplanted by drone “operatives.”
US hunt for the man behind the 9/11 attacks began with Iraq’s leader. The taste for blood led to the mastermind in the mountains of Afghanistan. Years later, your SEALS “got your man” in Pakistan. Yes, but the fight was still in you, so you stayed the course in Afghanistan, awaiting a new fight, but none came.
Israel, you may relate. Fight with the German Führer ended almost a century ago. Still, you cannot seem to forget. And so your radars are constantly on alert detecting new enemies, from Poland to Iran. Anywhere buy Deutschland.
New Target Areas
So who are the new targets Pentagon is turning their focus to and repositioning their troops? Among others, it seems Africa, Asia, and Yemen. But wait, troops have been stationed in varies parts of the African continent. In fact, some US soldiers have reportedly been hurt or killed.
Frederick Forsyth is familiar with the continent. “In his African assignments for the BBC during the Biafran war, Mr. Forsyth came to know intimately mercenaries from many nations.” Forsyth’s books paint a vivid picture of the bestiality of war.
Also, hasn’t there been fighting between Yemen and the Kingdom? It seems that like the Queen of Joppa, the Prince of Saudi could use a hand. But instead of the head of Medusa, US will bring in the head of its US Military.
Now that Israel has conveniently accorded with Bahrain and UAE, why not position a base there, conveniently in proximity to both Yemen and Iran? But remember my Middle Eastern friends, with the exception of Israel, US is not in the business of nation building as they explained after leaving Afghanistan. It’s a shame too. Just think of how you could have put those trillions towards tourism.
Release of the “Kraken” on landlocked Afghanistan may ultimately destabilize its neighbors, primarily US key adversaries: Iran, China, and Russia.
Russia, let’s start with you. Fellow comrades, my Great Grand Papa shared his recollection of what he called the “Faux Pas of the Soviet Empire.” He was disgusted to see how Soviets’ military and business equipment was literally auctioned off for “pennies on the dollar” or Rubles: Air and Sea craft, Space and Nuclear Equipment, Arsenal… No country should have to face such humiliation, he said.
Kremlin, it seems now you may face instability of a different kind. Yes, your cyber skills are quite good. But realistically, will a hypersonic speed aircraft be a match for the networks that work both on and off the grid and know their land and mountains like the back of their hands?
China, China, China. Yes, you’ve become quite popular in all circles, especially economically, technologically, and militarily (bioweapons and space). The question is, what can’t you do?
Right, Intellectual Property (IP) simply falls in your hands. But as Americans say, “possession is nine-tenths of the law” right? Well, then start taking possession of those $ trillion in minerals.
Iran. I bet you sure would like to get your hands on some of that IP and minerals. Well it does seem only fair, since reportedly your nuclear reactor plants were attacked. But was it the US or Israelis? Right, two sides of the same cyber coin. But let’s get back to US occupation and withdrawal of Afghanistan. Sure, you’re smiling now, but it looks like it’s gonna be a bumpy ride back to the dealing table.
First, let’s take a short trip down memory lane. Recall the JCPOA? Riccardo Alcaro, author of the July 2015 paper, “The West and the Middle East After the Iran Nuclear Deal” may shine light on what I call the “Great Escapade” aka P5+1 group.
Alcaro posits, “there are expectations that the agreement reached in Vienna could pave the way for further cooperation with Iran on issues of mutual concern, such as the fight against the Islamic State (IS), keeping Iraq united and securing Afghanistan’s transition.” Looks like mission accomplished!
However, it appears this “Great Escapade” failed to access the region. “Three challenges stand out… the collapse of state authority and sectarian and ethnic fragmentation… the proliferation of jihadi groups, including Al-Qaeda’s local branches and the Islamic State; interstate tensions and rivalries between regional as well as extra-regional players.”
Let’s think about it. It literally took these superpowers two decades and $ Trillions to find the man who masterminded the attack in New York and his team. And with what was this mastercrime accomplished? No self-inflicted arsenal. No sophisticated weapons. No drones. No nuclear missiles. Just good old fashion American planes.
Past to present. After six years, “It is here that the need to engage Iran emerges. Iran might be part of the problem in some regional theatres, yet it is a problem that cannot be wished away. The Islamic Republic is here to stay, and not because the nuclear deal has ‘legitimized’ it.”
Russia and China are said to be affected in the future by the destabilization resulting from Afghanistan. However, “Iranians look across the borders and see chaos everywhere…the struggles it is engaged in regard not only its survival but the security and prestige of the country, something a secular government would also seek.” So you see comrades, security is critical for Iran as it is for you both.
Israel may also wish to take note as their conflict with Palestine focuses on security as priority; especially as nuclear watchdog reports indicate that nuclear is virtually non-existent in the holy land. However, the historical and long-distance attacks between both adversaries, Iran and Israel, seem secondary to “The Shia-Sunni schism lends a religious undertone to a rivalry, the one between Iran and Saudi Arabia, which is geopolitical at its core.”
Initially, I figured that the current US administration would start and finish what the Obama administration did not in Syria. However, as I noted in my July 1st paper, “World After the Iran Nuclear Deal,” I see a new “modus vivendi.” Israel, like in Syria, will your next operation find that “sweet spot” in Iran?
Alcaro notes, “Critically, Iran should be engaged in a discussion about potential post-Assad scenarios… Given the implications for Israel’s security, such ‘demands’ might be impossible to swallow for the United States.” Perhaps, but what the US finds trouble swallowing, it finds those who will.
Will the West releasing Kabul’s Kraken result in further destabilization in the region and the world or will there be a balance of interests. Alcaro concludes, “there is no other way for the area to gain long-term stability unless powerful external states persuade local countries to overcome their self-destructive zero-sum mentality.”
Man’s certainty of brutality and intelligence, be they adorned with silk of the East or West, be they defended with the sword or arsenal, or be they honored with heads or medals, fight a losing battle.
Unlike other nations, U.S. having presence across the globe needs to be reminded that they need to “sleep in the same bed they made,” unstable and bloody.
The West attempted conquest of the “certainty” of freedom and security by way of deception will attract more birds to swarm; only the nature of these birds are not that of doves and will bring their flock to your soil.
And no amount of intelligence will help you deal with the brutal risks of uncertainty. It’s in your nature.
“Cry ‘Havoc!’ and let slip the dogs of war.” – Shakespeare